APASA Asociación Protectora de Animales de San Antonio - Dog Shelter
The APASA Dog Shelter in Javea takes care of homeless, lost and abandoned animals, mostly dogs. It has a No-Kill policy and provides a safe and caring environment until the animal is either reclaimed by its owner or placed in a new home.
The Charity APASA was founded in 1999 by a group of English, German, Spanish and Swiss people to act against the misery that abandoned, mistreated and lost dogs in Javea were facing. Currently, the APASA staff is daily taking care of more than 230 dogs, helped by a number of volunteers. They provide the basic needs like food, water, shelter and any necessary medical treatment (with the help of a local veterinarian) and last but not least some much needed TLC! The aim is to spay and neuter all dogs (recovery space permitting). The shelter works together with mediation services Animal Help España and Pluto Tierschutz to place dogs in good homes in Germany.
APASA is a registered Charity. Charity No. 6692. CIF No. G-53334454. The management board consists of 6 members.

Animals for adoption There are currently more than 230 dogs in the care of APASA, most of which are in the shelter. Puppies are usually placed at foster homes but there are also puppies at the shelter. Most of the animals that can be adopted are on the APASA website. You can search by age, size and in the categories Dogs with handicaps, Podencos and Cats. Click here for APASA's dog of the month. Podencos Podencos deserve a special mention. This Spanish breed is bred for hunting and the Podenco is elegant, intelligent, athletic and has a peace loving nature, they easily adapt to your family. Whether you have children, dogs or other animals, the Podenco will fit right in! Primarily bred for the hunt, they are healthy, rugged animals that love to go for a walk. They are quite sensitive in the respect that they only respond well to positive training. Adoption Fee Since APASA must cover their costs, there is a charge per adoption which will vary depending on the circumstances. It includes a microchip, European passport, all necessary vaccinations, blood tests on prevailing Mediterranean diseases (Leishmaniosa, Erlichia, Ricketsia) and spay/neutering. Additional costs, like transportation abroad, are charged separately.

The Puppy House at the shelter.
What can you do? Running the dog shelter costs a lot of money; there are many mouths to feed and around €2.000 per month is spent on food alone. The veterinarian services average at approx. €45.000 per year, and these are only two of the most important items. APASA relies heavily on donations and on volunteers who help them in any way they can. Hilliers Painters deserve a special mention, they offer their spare time to repaint all the kennels at the shelter! There are numerous things you can do to help. Anything you can do, whether big or small, counts. For example, you can: - become an APASA member at an annual fee of €20. - sponsor one of the dogs at a monthly rate of €25. - adopt one of their dogs! - walk dogs on a regular basis. - help at the pound, 2nd hand shop, during fundraising events. - organise a fundraising event. - raise awareness. - help with administration, translations, marketing & communication - look for new homes. - share on Facebook. - donate food, your old blankets, brushes, leads, etc. - etc. Any other ideas are most welcome! In any case, APASA would be very happy to answer your questions. Give them a ring, write them an e-mail or just come by and visit the dog shelter. ! Currently wanted ! APASA is desperately looking for help in fundraising, especially with the heavy lifting for setting up events. Also for distribution of leaflets, help on the stalls and in the 2nd hand shop. Please ring Iris - 609 631 251 for helping in the 2nd hand shop and Maggie for all others: 96 574 44 49. They are looking for volunteers to help “hands on” at the shelter when workers are on holiday or off sick (ongoing basis). This needs people with experience with dogs and willing to learn how APASA works. If you think you can help please ring Jacky 618 754 635 or e- mail: teres.doering@telefonica.net APASA Events APASA organises events on a regular basis to raise funds, and could not do this without the help of people that care. APASA is very grateful for businesses that want to contribute in the way they know best, like High Street Heaven Boutique organising fashion events and contributing immensely to the quarantine kennels project. To find out about forthcoming events have a look at the events calendar on this site.
Second Hand Shop You can find everything your heart desires at the APASA 2nd Hand Shop: - Fashion & accessories for women, men and children - Leather goods - Home textiles & accessories - Household goods and tableware - Toys, books, CD's, DVD's - etc. Opening hours on Monday - Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00 16:30 - 19:30 (not on Tue, Thu & Sat)
It is located at Avda del Pla 124, Local 9 in Javea. You'll find it in between 'Construcciones Jávea' and 'Deutsche Bank'.
If you have any second hand goods in good condition, which you would like to donate, it is very much appreciated! Contact Iris Dolles on 609 631 251 for more information.
Telephone numbers
Shelter (for all general questions) |
+34 966 463 976 or 807 429 454 (payphone) |
Fundraising |
Maggie - 965 744 449 |
Second Hand Shop |
Iris - 609 631 251 |
Opening Hours
The dog shelter is open 7 days a week, but closed on Wednesday afternoons. The changeover between summer and winter opening hours varies, please call if you are in doubt.
Summertime: Wintertime:
10:00 - 13:00 10:00 - 13:00
17:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 18:00
Location of the Shelter Cami de les Sorts s/n 03730 Javea See the location map on this page. Postal Adress Apto de Correos 577 03730 Javea (Alicante) Bank Details Bankia Benitachell Avda. Lepanto 5 03726 Benitachell (Alicante) SWIFT: CAHMESMMXXX IBAN: ES83 2038 6051 90 3000049915